Saturday, August 29, 2009

sleepy day

hari rabu kemarin kelas 3.10 make up class business writing. dan saya benar-benar merasa ngantuk! kalo si pocut ngga ada di sebelah gue pasti udah tidur pules tuh. untung ada si bawel itu ;p tapi ya namanya juga ngantuk, ngga ada yang masuk ke otak pelajarannya. hahhaa. dan gue cuma gambar-gambar jelek ngga jelas..

sorry Mr. Mari, i didn't pay much attention to your subject! ;p


today was a hectic day! too many assignments! gaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, i might throw up. for about 12 hours i have to stare my pc screen! what the?!

pertama-tama gue mulai ngedit-ngedit buat travoz. mulai lengkapin apa-apa aja yang kurang, dan buka-buka artikel apa aja dan siapa aja yang harus gue follow up. target yang udah ditentuin belum juga kesampean. hh. cape banget, harus duduk berjam-jam di depan komputer dan cuma ngelakuin hal itu-itu aja. (well, gue tetep buka ini itu kok jadi ngga mati kutu banget). akhirnya setelah beberapa saat di depan komputer selese juga artikel yang harus gue edit. tapi tetep yang follow up gitu-gitu belum gue selesein. semua belum ada yang bisa nyelesein lama-lama gue juga yang ngerjain :(

ini beberapa data yang harus dilengkapin dan harus gue follow up ke anak-anak yang lain. lumayan banyak deh, dan itu juga udah ditentuin berapa halamanya. tapi yang terkumpul baru beberapa, bikin streeessss! - (ngga keliatan ya bow gambarnya? hehe)

then, della texted me and ask me to join her conference chat with pocut and tina. tugas satu udah sedikit berkurang sekarang saatnya ngerembukin buat bikin presentasi CS. kita semua cuma ngasih pendapat dan pandangan tentang surat keluhan dan surat tanggapan dari perusahaan jasa. dan menyebalkannya, ym gue keluar masuk terus kaya ingus! arrghhh, kesel banget della harus berkali-kali invite gue buat join. dan alhasil keputusan udah ada, dan yang bertugas bikin presentasi mustika.

udah selese chat, gue mulai nyicil buat ngerjain aplikom. niat pingin santai bentar tapi udah keburu panik, akhirnya mulai cari data-data. dan rencananya gue, tina dan pocut mau bahas tentang produk-nya Anna Sui Collection 2009. aga kesel ribet harus ini itu dosennya minta, animasi harus detail sana-sini.

kotaknya pake animasi yang kesannya kaya dibikin satu-satu gitu.

mulai dari sini gue pake lagunya the kills - cheap and cheerfull

background gue sengajain item polos karena gambar juga udah lumayan gede dan berwarna-warna gitu.

udah hampir jadi sekitar 12 slide dari hasil browse sana-sini, gue baru sadar kalo yang disuruh dosennya itu powerpoint 2007 sedangkan powerpoint rumah gue masih yang 2003 ajee.. males gila. pingin nginstal yang 2007 niat download gratis malah kena virus, kamfret! ya udahlah ya sekalian aja gue selesein palingan entar di format blabla.

sekarang badan gue mau rontok ya ampun cape gila! dan harus nyari 1RM berapa rupiah, eh berapa rupiah sih? katanya 3ribuan ya?

Friday, August 28, 2009

tollooooonggg sayaaaaaaa!

tugas menumpuk! belum lagi urusan travoz belum selese. ya Allah.. cape banget :( bayangin aja untuk minggu depan udah harus presentasi aplikom, customer service, ngindeks lebih dari 400 nama buat kearsipan, dan yang bikin stres bahan-bahan majalah masih belum selese.ditambah si agnes tadi bilang gue jadi kandidat buat ketua buku tahunan angkatan. what the?! otak mau pecaaaaaaaaahh rasanya! belah-belah aja deh ah gue, badan rasanya mau rontok. cape cape capeeee!!!!!!! :(

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


once again, tears fall from my eyes
it won't dry, will not ever
i do, i do really need you that much
all i wanna do right now is just need your sympathy
please, i beg you please show your sympathy

Sunday, August 23, 2009


blablablablablablabla.. go on.. say everything you want to.. blablablablablablaaaa..


Saturday, August 22, 2009


okay what's wrong with all people? i thought everthing was fine and nice. but the truth is, they're FAKE.
pertama-tama bersikap baik sama gue, telp gue, dirasa pun mau temenan sama gue. tapi ternyata dibelakang gue.. hh.. cmmon girl, he's my bestfriend. we have no more chemistry except for bff. i'm trying to be a nice person to you, tapi ko balesan lo ke gue kaya gini?

kadang serba salah ya punya temen deket yang punya pacar sampe 'segitunya'. padahal orang itu udah tau hubungan kedekatan gue sama sahabat gue itu kaya gimana.. dari smp udah bareng. luar dalem jelek borok baik-nya udah tau. saling ngedukung apapun juga. harusnya tuh cewe sadar dong gue pun ngedukung sahabat gue pacaran sama dia. yaudahlah ya, mungkin emang tuh cewe aga gimana gitu sebenernya sama gue. tapi ya bilang kek dari awal. ngga usah awalnya baik belakangnya malah gitu. keciwa gue..

udah ah, malem-malem nyampah mulu. ngga baik buat kebersihan (hati). hahaha..

My Lovely Cory Kennedy

seandainya saya seorang bisexual dan seandainya ia lesbian,
impian saya adalah untuk MEMACARInya

i'm so fuckin' in love with her

Cory Kennedy

dedicated to you

saya tau tidak pernah dipaksa
saya tau itu
saya tau tidak pernah ada pilihan terucap, untuk memilih iya atau tidak
tapi bagaimanapun juga saya masih punya hak untuk memilih dan memutuskan kan?

saya tau saya terlalu berharap
tapi apa saya salah terus berharap?
saya tau menurutmu saya tidak menghargai kamu
tapi apa kamu bisa menghargai saya?

saya tau kamu tidak pernah memaksa
tapi apa saya salah memutuskan apa yang menurut saya benar?
tanpa paksaan pun saya tetap memilih keputusan saya itu
apa saya salah?


Monday, August 17, 2009

Aghi Narottama

OMG OMG OMG! Aghi Narottama sent me a wall! yiihiiiee! xD i'm so happy. fyi, he's a music director, music producer, filmscore&jingle composer, sound engineer and also musician. the first time i saw him on RAME RAMERAH last night. i really like his music with his band APE ON THE ROOF.

He's Aghi Narottama. I guess he looks like Raditya Dika (one of the famous writter in Indonesia)




It started when i gave him a wall and tell him that i was impressed with his perfomance last night. After that he replied it and give me a wall. Maybe it's not too excited thing for some people like you guys, but for me it's totally an exited thing! HE REPLIED MY WALL PEOPLEEEE! HUAHHAHAHAHAHHAA - lebay: MODE ON

Sunday, August 16, 2009

17 08 45


we're not afraid ~ Indonesia Unite

rame ramerah

Yesterday i came to RAME RAMERAH at Kandank Jurank Doank, Ciputat. Actually it was an event for celebrate Indonesia Independence Day. There were lots of events, such as workshop games and also some performances from indie artists of AksaraRecords. There are some pictures that i taken when i was there. Here's the mini album.

*check sounds look like. band: PASUKAN LIMA JARI, and i guess i'm in love with their drummer Muhammad Agiel Mahisa. oohhh, i'm soo in loveee xD. he's also a DJ by the way

*SORE, they also performed at sore-sore ;p

*THE ADAMS, love Saleh! (he's really a funny guy)

*PASUKAN LIMA JARI, bring the reggae back! ;D

* THE BRANDALS always give an attractive performance!

* GOODNIGHT ELECTRIC. i love batmaaannn! :D

*Sari is one of my idol (WHITE SHOES & THE COMPANY)

*APE ON THE ROOF, love the singer!

*here it is the crowd at kandank jurank doank

*one of the crowd when EFEK RUMAH KACA was performed

*one of the perfomance of EFEK RUMAH KACA - song: December

*everyone loves EFEK RUMAH KACA!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


hello i am TYA, 19 going on 20.

and i really LIKE gorilla


Ellie: You don't talk much
Ellie: I like you

Ellie: Do you think anyone can join this club?


Ellie: You're in!

Russell: Good afternoon. Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?

Carl Fredricksen: No.

Russell: I could help you cross the street.

Carl Fredricksen: No.

Russell: I could help you cross your yard?

Carl Fredricksen: No.

Russell: I could help you cross...

Carl Fredricksen: No!

Dug: My name is Dug. I have just met you and I love you.

Carl Fredricksen: You got a "run away in terror" badge?

Russell: No.

Carl Fredricksen: Time to earn it!

one of my favorite movie in this month is UP. it's one of the best culture movie i've ever seen. the scenes are really beautiful and it also a funny movie! you better to watch this movie! :D


LOVE is a natural thing, can't be pushed, can't be fault. that's why, maybe we're too flaw on this thing

who do you think who you are!!

okay, someone has removed me from her boyfriend Facebook account. WTF! hey girl, i didn't do anything wrong with your bf! i'm sorry he called me, asked me to hangout with him, laughed with me. but i DO NOT STEAL your bf! don't you ever think that i'm going to do that thing, he's one of my BESTFRIENDS.

you can remove me from HIS account, but it can't stop me to hangout with him (also with OUR friends)!

"all the lies that you told, just to ease your own soul, but i'm bigger than that, no you don't have my back!"

Beatfest 09

on 1st August 09 i was enjoy some performers at Bengkel Night Park. my favorite musicians was perform at there. such as Naif, The SIGIT, and the terrific performance goes to PHOENIX! it was an awesome performance! im so glad they came at Jakarta. wish they'll play at here soon :D


we were together for many years
we became as one

it was like I had your blood running through my veins

we could read each others thoughts

finish each others sentences
without saying a word

there is so much I'd like to change

but I can't turn back the hands of time

your memory will always be apart of me and my heart

i still talk to you
and wonder if you hear

sometimes I can feel you near

even in my dreams

my heart can't say good-bye
it's afraid your memory will die

a part of my heart is with you

and it's yours to keep

now that you are gone
i'm left to stand alone

and i do believe, time will heal